feliz navidad

OK, so I’m not fluent in Spanish, but Christmas has been on my mind during the month of October.  And instead of saying Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, sounds cooler some how.

santa's workshop

So here is the story of my stint with Macy’s and their Christmas trees.  With lots of photos of trees that I decorated.

the ballet tree

Hi, my name is Katie and I decorate Christmas trees.  I have been decorating Christmas trees during the whole month of October.   I feel like I’m confessing something.  It seems like I was at a different Macy’s everyday but I really wasn’t.  Just 11 stores.

east meets west

And thanks to my friend Ralph, I had such a great experience doing something that I had never dreamed of before.  In the midst of burn out from travel, not enough sleep, and too much glitter, I had the best time. Now I have only the best memories.  And three days after I had decorated my last tree, I found myself at the Macy’s Holiday Lane, looking at the trees that I had decorated.  And I was ready to do it again next year.


my favorite tree, I just loved these colors

Thank you to all of my friends, my husband, and kids for letting me have some grown up fun working and earning a paycheck.  Thanks for letting me be a working mom.  It has made me appreciate being a stay at home mom.  Te amo.

swell noel

katie, ralph, marshawn, our last day of work in monterey


Filed under Christmas

7 responses to “feliz navidad

  1. Ralph

    Oh, Katie. What a joy it was to have you on the Team and what an amazing accomplishment for us all. Thank you so much for being part of this journey. As I’ve shared with you – you were AMAZING and should be so proud of your talents. You can now add professional tree decorator to your list of many talents…


  2. Wow Katie! How much fun was that?! The trees look fantastic. Although I have to admit – the sock-monkey tree made me wonder if there was actually a tree under there. Kinda looks like one of the toy piles in a kids room that got outta control! ;-)
    And Erin would go crazy for that ballerina tree! She is totally obsessed with that Barbie Nutcracker DVD.

  3. That is soooo fantastic! Your trees look lovely!!!!

  4. You’ve got to check out this blog. Your new best friend…http://www.sarahjanestudios.com/blog/

  5. And, I love the trees. I love that they are exploding with Christmas, Fun. You just don’t get tired of looking at them, so much to see. Gets me thinking what I can do for a topper this year. I’m thinking something with clear cellophane and something sparkly.
    Great picture!

  6. Hi Katie, you did a great job with the trees, what a fun project!! I added your pictures to my blog and linked back to you. see the entry at http://www.designcocktail.blogspot.com
    feliz navidad!

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