my vintage love

My beautiful little lap top has a virus.  So things here have been a little slow.  My hub finally came home tonight and has time to fix it though.  Hopefully!  So for now, I am using the big computer that we usually send our kids to.  And it also has none of my pic’s on it.

So I have decided to share with you something that I have recently started collecting.  Vintage tin recipe boxes.

I am just drawn to the graphics found on most of these.  And the colors.  They remind me of some of my favorite fabrics!

These tins are made even more fun to collect by a favorite manufacturer.  One is Avon.  Many are Ohio Art.  Yup, the toy manufacturer.  They diversified.

These pictures are all from Etsy.  There are some really special ones on there.  It is the best place to browse and find that perfect little bit of vintage that you long for.

Some of these recipe boxes are even made more special if they happen to come along with the recipe cards.  I love to see the personal notes, like “Grandpa’s Favorite”, “Delicious”, “Made for Judith’s Wedding”.  They turn a simple box into a treasure.

What is your vintage love?


Filed under my vintage love

8 responses to “my vintage love

  1. These boxes are so cute! I’m the same way when it comes to being drawn to the patterns and colors of previous eras, however, my vintage love is a bit more space-invading: I started scooping up vintage slow cookers.

  2. How neat! I hadn’t even thought about collecting recipe boxes.

  3. Thanks for including mine, we must have the same taste as I have the other ones that you chose to picture too. I find recipe boxes way more fun than collecting advertising tinware.

  4. VickiT

    Oh my gosh, I HAVE that last one you posted. It was my Mom’s and has all her handwritten recipes in there still along with those I added to it. I rarely use that now as all my recipes are now on my computer but every once in awhile I still need to go to that box since I haven’t typed all hers into the computer yet.

    I’m new to your blog and came here from Polka Dot Chair’s blog so HI! :)

  5. Mary

    What a cute collection – I never knew…

  6. It’s amazing how you collect these things. I know I have walked by tons of them and never given them a second thought, but they are so adorable. Especially the first one with the cards!

  7. I have the first recipe box and my sister has the second one! I purchased my recipe box from Avon many years ago.

    I like your collection and can think of so many uses for each box. Thanks for sharing your collection.

  8. I share my vintage love in a regular Friday post called “A Little Friday Love for My Vintage . . .” and then I blog about what has stolen my heart at the time. An antique deacon’s bench, a tablecloth, a pantry box, my Hoosier cabinet–you name it! Come and see at Vintage Pollyanna!

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